Historical Pantheon raffle
Here is a new word which I must approve, for the need of this masterful work, since I had to develop this word in order to explain this lottery raffle. This word derives from the word tombola, as specified in the dictionary, Le petit Larousse illustrated 2000 on page 1015, meaning, Lottery where each winner receives a prize in kind. The profit from this lottery raffle, administered by PayPal, is shared with internationally recognized charities, such as World Vision for the amount of 5 $ and 5 $ shared with the 3 food banks in our region, namely Rivière-du-Loup, Edmundston and Grand-Falls. Since, according to God, all workers deserve their salary. So, the work to develop this concept, which I have established since 2006, with the invaluable help of my wife, Yvette, is evaluated at 15 $. This amount is considered reasonable, payable to the project designer for the work accomplished, under the supervision of a local chartered accounting firm. A prize in kind, such as the one in the photo of their purchase, either activity at the camp or rest at the camp.
However, provincial officials from the local Department of Justice and Public Security did not know in which jurisdiction this lottery registered. Therefor, to inform you, in the logic of things, this one is virtual and is played on the Internet, in the universe of time, and is of international jurisdiction. So that does not mean, however, to stop progressing in this wonderful tourist and economic attraction, for the Oasis region, as mentionned.
Therefore, the concept that I have established, with the invaluable help of my wife, Yvette, is the principle of sharing that I am happy to share a certain royalty. This concept is administered by Paypal and the accounting firm MC Administrative Services Inc., Matthew Clavette, Edmundston, New Brunswick.
In keeping with this concept, it is important to note that the royalty will be donated to the food banks in our region, namely Edmundston, Grand-Sault and Rivière-du-Loup.
So, in the logic of things, it is in our favor to act intelligently, while avoiding being like automated people and making good decisions that will be favorable to us in order to improve the economy of our region, and that, by the increase in tourists. So, it is important that our politicians support this project over the days, while developing with the supervision of the designer of the famous Kim game. Take into consideration that this game is self-financing by the paying player.
The pantheon paintings, are the #1 Activity at the camp and #2 Rest at camp, and are part of a lottery. Painting #1 is painted by professional artist Clarence Bourgoin from Saint Léonard NB Canada, figurative painting of the expressionist movement, an internationally renowned artist, and #2 is painted by Estelle Nadeau from Edmundston NB Canada, a nationally professional renowned artist. While painting no. 3 named Tiri's kamp, painted by Irène Laplante, recognized in the region of Madawaska County, Acadia of the Lands and Forests, wife of Henri Tiri Laplante, was won by Daniel Clavette of Edmundston, during the World Scouting Centennial of 2007. Therefore, no. 1 painting Camp Activity will be drawn on the 120th anniversary, in memory of the first scout camp on Brownsea Island, which took place from August 1 to 9, 1907.
Therefore, take into consideration that this lottery of the two paintings mentioned above, is a first and will be known internationally.
Stolen Painting
Painting #1 Camp Activity was reported to me stolen on May 16, 2022. This authentic 18 in x 24 in, (60,96 cm x 76,2 cm) will be reproduced by photograsphic impression, on laminated wood for the lotto. However, painting #2 Rest in Camp is authentic. However, by a happy coincidence, this painting had been photographed by a professional, which I kept. However, this theft was committed by close neighbors. Obviously, these people will one day have to face God's justice and suffer the consequences.
Stolen painting declared in court
The design concerning the painting activity at the camp, whose painter signed C. Bourgoin, was imagined and ordered by the designer-projector of this magnificent project, who's author is Donald G. Plourde
Therefore, by purchasing the portrait lottery ticket, size 10 in x 12 in, proof of purchase, the desired painting that you will keep on your desk, screen, as a reminder, for the drawing on July 1st, 2030, Canada's National Day will be done on Facebook, under the supervision of a competent accounting firm, Administrative Service MC, Inc., with the help of Paypal and using the Hat program or other. Painting No. 1 Camp Activity will be drawn on July 2nd 2030. You will receive the portrait lottery ticket, by email, which you can frame or laminate, in memory of the world scouting centenary.
Dear readers,
Consequently, take into consideration that this magnificent painting concerns the precious memory of the first encampment of the world scout movement, in which several hundred million youths, male and female, have participated over the years. So, here is the reason for the history of this painting in order to immortalize this moment. So, read the letter to which Her Majesty the Queen responded positively, with the desire to see the realization of this magnificent project, that of the virtual Baden-Powell Scout Palace.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to inform you that due to the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, this french letter is now addressed to
king Charles III.
However, a last minute decision, as I still have room to improve the concept, before officially launching the store for the historic Hall of Tenacity including the Hall of Fame raffle. I made this decision on April 21, 2022, the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, to share one dollar from the sale of each raffle ticket, Activity at the Camp and Rest at Camp paint, as well as the two pantheon lamps, with the scout movement of Canada, francophone and anglophone despite the problems created by certain local and national scouts, envious of this concept.
However, in the logic of things, this magnificent painting named '' Activity at the camp '' signed by C. Bourgoin, was inspired by the biography photo of the progress of the first scout camp on the
Brownsea Island.
Affirmative letter received from Her Majesty Elizabeth II, to follow up on the Centenary of World Scouting 1907-2007
Annex open letter of April 17, 2022
Here are the photos taken when sending the letter to the Queen in 2007 -
1 2 3
Click no 1,2,3,4, to know the letter to which Her Majesty responded positively. However, number 4, the annex of the Kamp in tiri, is the important subject of this lived history, concerning the organization of the Centenary of World Scouting 1907-2007, which began in 2006, when the work was accomplished with the precious help from my wife, Yvette.
Lottery tickets are sold at ($25) twenty-five dollars, taxes included.

Camp activity
Rest at camp
I inform you that all works of art from parchments no. 2,3,4 were interpreted from the original text of Baden-Powell's Scouting for Boys book, and parchments no: 1,5,6,7, which I am the author, and on which I have developed, despite many odds, with the precious help from my wife for a more than a decade, starting in 2006. Therefore, for the success of this charity project, I need your help by participating in purchasing of a certificate of a painting or parchment of your choice. Consequently, the painting activity at the camp with a special frame, gilded, of authentic size 24 po. x 30 in. (9.44 cm x 11.8 cm) will be sold at a cost of $275.
So, when buying a painting or scroll, 18 in x 24 in, (45.72 cm X 60.96 cm), laminated with an Official Pantheon frame at a cost of $ 235, a fee of $ 25 from the purchase of each scroll will be shared, annually, for a predetermined date, to the humanitarian organizations mentioned below.
Also, all 7 scrolls can be installed in different places where there is a waiting clientele wishing to watch and read these, of which I am in part the author. The cost of the 7 scrolls is $ 1,375 of which $ 200 will be given to the humanitarian organizations mentioned below. It should be noted that any purchase of a certificate from the shop and the back store includes paid shipping.
This work will benefit the humanitarian organizations mentioned below and is administered via Paypal :
1 Activity at the camp- World Vision
2 Relaxing at the camp- Doctors without borders
3 Tiri's kamp- Village des sources ResMaVic Inc. of Edmundston
4 Eye of god- "Le lien", Edmundston Humanatarian Organization
5 Scout Promise and Laws- The 12 steps center of Edmundston
6 Last Message- Moisson Québec
7 Ténacity Scroll- Accueil Bonneau, Humanatarian Organization of Montréal
8 Repentance Prayer- Development and Peace
9 Faiths Creed- Food banks from out area
10 Tree of Hope- Dumont CHU Foundation and others, as specified above
Consequently, parchment for Prayer of Repentance size 13 in x 16 in (33.02 cm x 40.64 cm), with frame, at a cost of $175, a charitable donation of $20 will be given to the organizations mentioned below.
Therefore, by the will of God, Her Majesty ceded her royalty to her son, who became King Charles III, recognized as world scout leader, while the scout flag flies in more than two hundred and sixteen countries. Therefore, for the sale of each parchment, the donation of no 1 and no 2 will be shared and deposited directly into the account, Via Paypal, of the two responsible Canadian institutions, namely World Vision and Doctors Without Borders. So, this magnificent parchment by polular format urges the necessary solution to your eternal greeting (life) which will take place during the Parousia, that is to say at the glorious return of Jesus, the Messiah. This scroll can be framed or simply affixed to the wall. However, it is necessary to believe, as explained in Prayer of Repentance, below.
However, upon purchase of the prayer, the purchaser also becomes eligible for the Activity at the Camp and Rest at Camp Painting Lottery.
Therefore, here is the reason for my request to King Charles III, to take into consideration the response to the letter received from His Majesty, dated July 21, 2009, encouraging me to evolve on this project. Therefore, I rephrase the same request to King Charles III while offering him the benefit to be recognized as world leader scout, since the badge scout of the queen became that of the king, the highest distinction, recognized formerly, in the movement scout.
Therefore, to order, please click on -- Add to cart --
However, it is important to render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. However, all orders include delivery.
Also, a draw is added to the back store for the two Pantheon lamps which will be held in 2027, as explained in the text of the Pantheon lamp.
Clarence Bourgoin, Donald Don Plourde and Estelle Nadeau Donald Don Plourde, creator
Donald Don Plourde and Yvette Bard Plourde, Project Designers